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Lin Qi - Planner

I graduated university with a degree in Architecture, and was ready to learn more about how projects are built and managed. So far I have been lucky enough to be involved with two great schemes, the Hinkley Workers Campus at Hinkley Point and LMJV working on HS2 (High Speed Rail) working as an Assistant Project Manager. Working on unique projects like these offers an amazing opportunity for me to learn about the various methods used in building and infrastructure and I’m now on a professional journey I never expected to be on.

At the moment my role is to ensure that projects are completed on time and within budget by creating, maintaining and reviewing a programme of work. To achieve this, I am constantly communicating with team members, clients and stakeholders primarily by producing progress reports and forecasts using project management tools. I have been lucky that my projects have been able to continue on during COVID and Laing O’Rourke has been great at installing protocols to ensure the staff are safe and communication is maintained whether people are on site or home based.

Diversity is vital for any company to succeed and I think that Laing O’Rourke has done a good job creating an inclusive culture by bringing in the necessary measures to consistently improve industry standards. It’s important that our workforce reflects the diverse nature of the wide community, as this will give us greater awareness of how construction can work better to serve our society’s needs. 

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